
(none) Matched route

Route Matching Logs

Path to match: /visitors-destination-montagnes-in-figures
# Route name Path Log
1 _preview_error /_error/{code}.{_format} Path does not match
2 _wdt /_wdt/{token} Path does not match
3 _profiler_home /_profiler/ Path does not match
4 _profiler_search /_profiler/search Path does not match
5 _profiler_search_bar /_profiler/search_bar Path does not match
6 _profiler_phpinfo /_profiler/phpinfo Path does not match
7 _profiler_search_results /_profiler/{token}/search/results Path does not match
8 _profiler_open_file /_profiler/open Path does not match
9 _profiler /_profiler/{token} Path does not match
10 _profiler_router /_profiler/{token}/router Path does not match
11 _profiler_exception /_profiler/{token}/exception Path does not match
12 _profiler_exception_css /_profiler/{token}/exception.css Path does not match
13 user_avatar /profil/avatar Path does not match
14 user_profil /profile Path does not match
15 user_profil_search /profile/search Path does not match
16 user_profil_search_delete /profile/search/{id} Path does not match
17 user_profil_search_availability /profile/search/availability/{id} Path does not match
18 other_user_profil_planning /profile/planning/{cryptedUserId}/{day} Path does not match
19 user_profil_planning_pdf /profile/planning/pdf Path does not match
20 user_profil_badge_pdf /profile/badge/pdf Path does not match
21 user_profil_planning /profile/planning/{day} Path does not match
22 user_profil_favorite /profile/my-favorites Path does not match
23 user_profil_favorite_add /profile/favorites/add/{id} Path does not match
24 user_profil_favorite_remove /profile/favorites/remove/{id} Path does not match
25 user_profil_pending /profile/pending Path does not match
26 user_profil_my_meeting /profile/my-meeting/{id} Path does not match
27 user_profil_my_meetings /profile/my-meetings Path does not match
28 user_profil_history /profile/history Path does not match
29 user_edit /profil/edit Path does not match
30 conversations_conversation_toggle_read /conversations/toggle/read/{conversationId} Path does not match
31 conversations_new_conversation /conversations/{otherUserId} Path does not match
32 conversations_get_conversations /conversations/ Path does not match
33 messages_get_messages /messages/{conversationId} Path does not match
34 messages_new_messages /messages/{conversationId} Path does not match
35 contact /contact Path does not match
36 technical_error_emails_sending /technical_error_emails_sending Path does not match
37 exhibitor_registration_edit_identity /exhibitor/registration/edit/identity Path does not match
38 exhibitor_registration_edit_activity /exhibitor/registration/edit/activity Path does not match
39 exhibitor_registration_edit_services /exhibitor/registration/edit/services Path does not match
40 exhibitor_registration_edit_collaborators /exhibitor/registration/edit/collaborators Path does not match
41 exhibitor_registration_get_available_place_dinner /exhibitor/registration/edit/collaborators/get/available-place-dinner Path does not match
42 exhibitor_get_station /exhibitor/get-station Path does not match
43 exhibitor_get_collaborator /exhibitor/get-collaborator Path does not match
44 exhibitor_invited_registration /exhibitor/invited/registration Path does not match
45 exhibitor_invited_registration_valid /exhibitor/invited/registration/{email} Path does not match
46 exhibitor_list /exhibitor-list Path does not match
47 interactive_plan /interactive-plan Path does not match
48 export_admin_Restricted_visitor /export-admin-Restricted-visitor Path does not match
49 home / Path does not match
50 registration_validation /registration/validation/{id} Path does not match
51 registration_profile_change /registration/profile/change/{id} Path does not match
52 home_video /video Path does not match
53 mail_confimation_paticipation25 /mail-confimation/paticipation-01-03-2022/{token} Path does not match
54 mail_acknowledgement /mail-acknowledgement/{user}/{mailing}/{preview} Path does not match
55 notifier_checked /notifier-checked Path does not match
56 import_users_companies_visitor /visitor-import-visitor Path does not match
57 import_users_companies /import Path does not match
58 update_companies_informations /import-update-company Path does not match
59 update_companies_informations_srouces /import-update-company-source Path does not match
60 update_exhibitor_company_stand /import-update-exhibitor-company-stand Path does not match
61 import_users_organisateurs /import-organisateur Path does not match
62 jitsi_events /jitsi/events/{event}/ Path does not match
63 jitsi_read /jitsi/events-debug-online/{id} Path does not match
64 jitsi_invitation /jitsi/invitation/{api}/{name} Path does not match
65 jitsi_branding /jitsi/branding Path does not match
66 jitsi_image /jitsi/branding/images Path does not match
67 change_locale /change-locale/{locale} Path does not match
68 mailings_no_show_first_day_first_hour /mailings-no-show-first-day-first-hour Path does not match
69 mailings_no_show_first_day_second_hour /mailings-no-show-first-day-second-hour Path does not match
70 mailings_no_show_second_day /mailings-no-show-second-day Path does not match
71 app_mailing_preview /mailing/preview Path does not match
72 app_mailing_mail_view /mailing/mail/{id}/view Path does not match
73 app_mailing_mail_raw /mailing/mail/{id}/raw Path does not match
74 app_mailing_mail_attachment /mailing/mail/{id}/attachment Path does not match
75 app_mailing_ajax_send /mailing/ajax-sending Path does not match
76 app_mailing_before_mail_validation /mailing/{id}/before-mail-validation Path does not match
77 app_mailing_after_mail_validation /mailing/{id}/after-mail-validation Path does not match
78 meeting_new /meeting/new/{schedule}/{guest} Path does not match
79 meeting_remove_no_show /meeting/remove-no-show/{id}/{day} Path does not match
80 meeting_no_show /meeting/no-show/{id}/{day} Path does not match
81 meeting_cancel /meeting/cancel/{id} Path does not match
82 meeting_close_schedule /meeting/close-schedule/{id} Path does not match
83 meeting_open_schedule /meeting/open-schedule/{id} Path does not match
84 meeting_re_schedule /meeting/re-schedule/{id} Path does not match
85 meeting_accept /meeting/accept/{id} Path does not match
86 meeting_refuse /meeting/refuse/{id} Path does not match
87 meeting_cancel_pending /meeting/cancel_pending/{id} Path does not match
88 frontend_invoice_download /invoice/download/{id} Path does not match
89 frontend_order_index /order/ Path does not match
90 paiement_cb /paiement-cb Path does not match
91 paiement_cb_success /paiement-monetico/success Path does not match
92 paiement_cb_error /paiement-monetico/error Path does not match
93 paiement_cb_validation /paiement-cb-notification Path does not match
94 show_pdf /pdf/show/{id} Path does not match
95 auth_login /login Path does not match
96 auth_logout /logout Path does not match
97 auth_token_lost /lost-token Path does not match
98 auth_autologin /autologin/{token} Path does not match
99 visitor_registration_edit_identity /visitor/registration/edit/identity Path does not match
100 visitor_registration_edit_activity /visitor/registration/edit/activity Path does not match
101 visitor_registration_edit_services /visitor/registration/edit/services Path does not match
102 visitor_registration_edit_services_new /visitor/registration/edit/services/new Path does not match
103 visitor_registration_edit_collaborators /visitor/registration/edit/collaborators Path does not match
104 visitor_registration_get_available_place_dinner /visitor/registration/edit/collaborators/get/available-place-dinner Path does not match
105 visitor_get_station /visitor/get-station Path does not match
106 visitor_get_collaborator /visitor/get-collaborator Path does not match
107 visitor_invited_registration /visitor/invited/registration Path does not match
108 visitor_invited_registration_valid /visitor/invited/registration/{email} Path does not match
109 admin_chat /admin/admin/chat Path does not match
110 admin_dashboard /admin/ Path does not match
111 admin_dashboard_export_exhibitor_registration /admin/registration-exhibitor-export/{extension}/{status} Path does not match
112 admin_dashboard_export_visitor_registration /admin/registration-visitor-export/{extension}/{status} Path does not match
113 admin_dashboard_export_visitor_orders /admin/registration-visitor-orders-export Path does not match
114 admin_dashboard_export_catalogue_visitor_registration /admin/registration-catalogue-export-visitors/{extension}/{status} Path does not match
115 admin_dashboard_export_catalogue_registration /admin/registration-catalogue-export/{extension}/{status} Path does not match
116 admin_dashboard_exhibitor /admin/exhibitor Path does not match
117 admin_export_meeting /admin/meeting-export Path does not match
118 admin_export_exhibitor_meeting /admin/meeting-exhibitor-export Path does not match
119 admin_export_visitor_meeting /admin/meeting-visitor-export Path does not match
120 admin_export_meeting_noshow /admin/meeting-export-no-show Path does not match
121 admin_mailings_no_show /admin/mailings-no-show Path does not match
122 admin_app_http_admin_meetingsnoshow_index /admin/admin Path does not match
123 admin_chats /admin/admin/chats Path does not match
124 admin_options /admin/options Path does not match
125 admin_app_http_admin_option_index /admin/admin Path does not match
126 admin_dashboard_visitor /admin/visitor Path does not match
127 admin_send_invitation_mail /admin/send-invitation-mail/{id} Path does not match
128 admin_registration_collaborator_delete /admin/collaborator/delete/{id} Path does not match
129 api_exhibitor_register /api/exhibitor/register Path does not match
130 api_exhibitor_delete /api/exhibitor/delete/{id} Path does not match
131 api_exhibitor_update /api/exhibitor/update/{id} Path does not match
132 api_profil_theme /api/profil/theme Path does not match
133 api_visitor_register /api/visitor/register Path does not match
134 api_visitor_delete /api/visitor/delete/{id} Path does not match
135 api_visitor_update /api/visitor/update/{id} Path does not match
136 crons_send_mails /crons/send/mails Path does not match
137 api_entrypoint /api/{index}.{_format} Path does not match
138 api_doc /api/docs.{_format} Path does not match
139 api_jsonld_context /api/contexts/{shortName}.{_format} Path does not match
140 fos_js_routing_js /js/routing.{_format} Path does not match

Note: These matching logs are based on the current router configuration, which might differ from the configuration used when profiling this request.